How to pick ourselves up after going through a nasty breakup

In today’s society, going through a breakup can be quite hard for anyone who has given it all right from the start. While one person was pouring everything from love to care to affection into the relationship, the other person refused to acknowledge it.

Moreover, this leads to severe strains in the relationship, eventually ending up in a breakup which can then be quite hard to fathom for the person who was emotionally invested in it. They may cut themselves off completely from the outside world and refuse to take care even of themselves.

However, breakups should also be taken as an opportunity to start something new and bring out the best in ourselves. It could be as simple as restarting our hobbies, giving self-care more priority, and becoming a better version of ourselves.

Writes therapist Jordan Green on breakups,

Breakups are not just an ending; they’re a new beginning. They provide you with a unique opportunity to redirect all the love and energy you were pouring into the other person, back into the most important relationship of all: the one you have with yourself.

Ways to support ourselves when dealing with a breakup

Here are some tips on how you can support yourself after a breakup with your partner.

Let the emotions flow naturally

While struggling to get over a breakup, it is important to let out all of our different emotions and not hold them back at any cost. It is essential that we feel each emotion as it comes and embrace it all. This will open up to our true selves and let us know how we are feeling.

Talking to our friends and family

Furthermore, we must have our family and friends close by who understand us well and can help us overcome the negative feelings of the breakup. Getting helpful suggestions from our loved ones helps us forget the pain of the event.

Self-care must be prioritized

While dealing with a breakup, make yourself a priority and focus on improving yourself. When you pamper and indulge in yourself, you will certainly feel much better. You can do so by going on a solo date, reading books, listening to music, and much more.

Stop contacting your ex

When you have fully realized that your ex was not meant for you right from the start, you should stop contacting them after the breakup and asking them to return to you. This will not only give both of you hurtful feelings but will hinder your progress towards a better life. Additionally, boundaries must be set up between the two of you so that they are not overstepped at any time.

Keep a journal handy

Finally, when you want to let out your emotions and talk about the journey of your breakup, it is a good thing to put everything in your diary or journal. You can easily let out your feelings about your breakup simply by writing whatever comes to your mind about the event and then evaluating the same based on how it is making you feel emotionally.

Thus, this is how we can overcome the grief associated with a breakup. Hope you will resonate with these if you or someone you know might be going through this event.

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