Ways in which we can recover from the after-effects of Complex PTSD

In life, many of us become victims of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. However, only a minority of patients get affected by this disorder and it only occurs when they have been through situations that have been quite unfavorable to them.

Examples of PTSD include domestic violence, war zones, traumatic relationships, dysfunctional families, etc. While some can get over the negative feelings in a matter of days or months, others struggle to get out of them for years to come.

Meanwhile, a new term for PTSD is currently doing the rounds. It is known as Complex PTSD and is a condition in which a patient suffers from not only the effects of PTSD but also other complexities. Therefore, such patients or clients must get appropriate help from a psychiatrist or psychologist so that they flourish well in their lives.

Currently, three things can help a client with Complex PTSD to recover fully. These are mindfulness, self-awareness, and therapy. It all depends on the client as to which route they are comfortable with.

Says therapist Linda Meredith on Complex PTSD,

Choosing to focus on and implement even just one of these tips can make a significant difference. Whether it’s practicing mindfulness, setting boundaries, or engaging in self-care, each action is a step towards empowerment and recovery.

Tips on how to effectively deal with Complex PTSD daily

Let’s learn how we can come out of Complex PTSD without the need to use medications.

Meeting with a therapist

Visiting a psychiatrist or psychologist to undergo methods such as trauma training coaching, counseling, and therapy is one of the best ways to fight and overcome this disorder. Our therapist can help us understand the exact reasons as to why we are facing the overwhelming conditions daily which can give us more clarity and will also aid recovery.

Having a supportive environment

Furthermore, having a close-knit group of people with whom we can be completely vulnerable is extremely important because they can also help us overcome our trauma and not judge us based on our talks.

Having proper nutrition

When we have a proper diet during our battle with PTSD, it ensures that our body is rejuvenating well and our mind is also thinking straight, allowing us to explore life from a new perspective. Therefore, including a well-balanced diet is essential to fight off PTSD.

Practicing Mindfulness

We must also be aware of our inner selves and practice mindfulness from time to time as it will allow us to talk to our inner selves and bring out more clarity towards life overall.

Doing creative work

Moreover, we can also express our emotions through creative mediums like poetry, writing, and artwork. These can tell others more about our condition than just words or verbal expressions that we find hard to articulate.

Thus, this is how we can get over Complex PTSD and strive to become better versions of ourselves. But, remember to take things slow and one step at a time because if we don’t, we will be back to square one.

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