Perfectionism explained by a therapist: What are the different types?

In our lives, we meet many types of people from time to time. While most are normal just like us, others like to keep themselves up on a high pedestal so that they stand out from the crowd and do not like to mingle with normal folk.

These high-thinking people are often called perfectionists. They deem themselves superior to others and always set impossible tasks and goals for themselves because they always think that they can achieve these with their unique ability.

However, when these goals are not achieved satisfactorily or even perfectly, they tend to throw tantrums and refuse help from others as well. They lock themselves up and try to figure out ways in which they can do better next time.

But, doing so will ultimately cost them their mental and emotional health a great toll which they will find unable to repair in the long run.

Says therapist Maythal Eshaghian on perfectionism,

Perfectionism is a characteristic that leads an individual to set unrealistic standards for themselves and others. It can get in the way of living your life to its fullest. It’s the drive and need to achieve more- it feels like you’re chasing never ending benchmarks.

Types of Perfectionism that we must be aware of

Let’s take a look at these three types of perfectionists and what typical behavior they display.

Self-Oriented Perfectionism

People with self-oriented perfectionism always remain clouded with self-doubt. Moreover, they also have trust issues with their abilities and skills. Furthermore, they set up unrealistic standards and when these are not met, anxiety gets the better of them. They start freaking out easily.

Other-Oriented Perfectionism

Secondly, other-oriented perfectionists have a hard time trusting other people. Moreover, they also want to take control of other people. Additionally, they will refuse to delegate tasks to their colleagues at the workplace and will work on micromanaging because of their lack of trust in people. Impatience is their middle name.

Socially Prescribed Perfectionism

Finally, people with socially prescribed perfectionism have the innate desire to please others and get much-needed approval in return from others. Also, they remain worried and anxious as well. They want to be in the social limelight all the time.

Thus, these are some of the types of perfectionists who can be found in our lives from time to time. Therefore, we must also be aware of these people and try to avoid them at all costs because they don’t care for us but only for themselves and want everything to be perfect as well.

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