Use these tips to keep yourself in shape during Diwali festivities this year

As Diwali season is upon us, we will get tempted once again by all the yummy snacks and beverages that come with it.

Generally, we tend to indulge in these delicacies straight away and forget about our everyday routines.

Additionally, this leads to weight gain and other health and lifestyle problems that don’t go away till the new year.

However, we need to be extra cautious this year and control our temptations by having a limited quantity.

So, how we can do so during our Diwali festivities this year? Let’s take a look at some tips in which we can do so.

Simple tips on How we can Keep our Weight Gain to a Minimum

Getting Enough Physical Activity

Try to get more active and physical during Diwali festivities as it will keep the body moving.

Refrain from spending a sedentary lifestyle by sitting on the sofa and gorging on your snacks.

Ask family members to engage in fun physical activities that can be anything from sports to fast-paced outdoor games.

This ensures that the body gets the daily activity that it needs and allows you to keep shedding calories.

Engage Yourself in Helping with Decorations

Try not to think of food by busying yourself with the decorations for Diwali and encourage your family members to do the same.

Not only does this give you and the others some memorable moments to enjoy, but it also helps you be active around the house.

Moreover, involving yourself in labor-intensive activities will allow you to keep those calories at a minimum.

Don’t Restrict Your Love for Delicacies but Eat in Moderation

During Diwali, it is quite impossible to tear yourself away from your favorite snacks and delicacies when they are presented to us.

However, it is imperative that we eat them in some moderation and keep a check if we aren’t overeating.

So, eat each and every one of your favorite sweets and savories this festival season, but make sure it remains in a moderate amount.

Maintain a Healthy Balance during Your Festivities

Instead of just eating only oil-rich snacks and sweets this Diwali, maintain a balance in your body and eat a good amount of fruits and veggies.

Furthermore, you will surely feel full and satiated after you choose to eat any nutrient-rich foods during the Diwali festival.

Just be sure that maintaining your portion sizes is important rather than controlling your dietary intake.

Don’t Skip your Exercise Routine at all During Diwali

While every one of us does some form of physical activity during the non-festival season, we skip it altogether during Diwali.

This gives our body some major shocks as it gets used to a sedentary lifestyle during the festival and refuses to go back into exercise mode afterward.

To ensure this never happens, do short workouts that comprise 20-25 minutes of your time every day. This allows you to keep your body in shape and never lets it out of exercise mode.

So, keep your exercise game on during Diwali as well, and keep those extra calories at bay during the festival season.

Hope that you enjoyed reading these tips and will try to incorporate them this year during your Diwali festivities.

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