Ways to become more responsible with ourselves and our feelings

In this world, all of us have feelings whether they be good or bad. But, we must also take responsibility for those feelings and emotions if we want to keep ourselves mentally stable.

However, all of us do not do so and instead put the blame on others and list them as the reason for our current feelings. Therefore, we must strictly abhor such practices and let others remain happy as well.

But, first awareness is key when it comes to feeling our emotions. Without it, we would be cast adrift without any specific destination.

Says therapist Klara Kernig on taking responsibility for feelings,

You can take responsibility for your feelings, too, to create a healthy and safe relationship with yourself and others.

Methods in which we can take responsibility for the feelings that we are experiencing

Let’s now turn our attention to the different methods that we can use to take responsibility for our feelings and understand their validity.

Start by validation

Firstly, to take responsibility for your emotions, make sure you give validation to them. This way, we become more aware of our feelings.

Communicating with others

Additionally, we must be able to communicate our emotions with others and not start blaming them for making us the bad person for showcasing our feelings.

Accept others’ differences

Also, we must understand that not everyone feels the same as us even if we are in the same situation. Therefore, we have to accept others’ differences of opinion and thoughts.

Meeting our needs on our own

Rather than waiting around for people to fulfill our needs, we must help ourselves and healthily fulfill our needs.

Manage our emotions

Finally, we all must manage our emotions healthily as this will allow us to address them better and we will not do or say things that will give us regret later.

Thus, this is how we can manage our emotions better and lead a healthy life for all times to come.

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