What are the important signs that you must look for in a ‘teenage’ dog

Dogs have forever been considered man’s best friend and they help their humans handle their emotions and give them a lot of care and affection.

Moreover, they also get a lot of love and attention from their pet parents who go out of their way to ensure their furry companion has everything it needs.

Just as we undergo different phases of life on this earth, so do our dogs and they also need care and attention just like us.

During puppyhood, a dog is quite playful, attentive, and always ready for a new adventure. Therefore, when getting training from a dog trainer, they show quick adaptiveness.

However, as they enter into adolescence or ‘teenage’, they tend to be more aggressive, listen less to their pet parents, and want to hang out more with their doggy friends.

That’s why just like human adolescents need an understanding ear, so do adolescent dogs.

Says dog trainer, Nikita Ahlawat on what changes dogs face when they enter adolescence,

Teenage phase is not easy, even with our dogs. This phase marks the change from being a puppy to becoming an adult. It can start any time between six and 12 months and can end between 18 and 24 months. During this time, there are hormonal changes and reorganisation of the brain.

Adding further, she says,

This phase is characterised by more exploration, more play, more interaction with friends, but they lack the wisdom and experience to think about what is right and wrong. This is also the time when a lot of dogs are given up and are termed as difficult. But we need to remember that this is a phase and through proper management and training, we can get through this.

Steps in which we should look after our teenage doggies

So, what are some of the ways in which can be more understanding and affectionate towards our teenage dogs? Let’s find out.

Not Interested in Following their Training Routine

As pet parents, we may notice that when our puppy shows disinterest in the training schedule that has been taught to them, it is a clear indication that they have entered adolescence. Our dogs may also show a more boisterous behavior.

Forgetting their Pet Parents for a while

When your furry friend is not responding to your repetitive calls and is not keen on spending time with you, this again can tell you that their teenage phase has begun.

Dogs can become pretty Impulsive during this time

You may notice signs of some aggression in your dogs and they may not come fully under your control. They will also lose their patience over small things and bark at you if they feel offended. This is another sign of the teenage period.

Can show quite negative reactions to certain situations

Adolescent dogs may become agitated during certain situations and will tend to bark more often. This is all part of the growing up process. However, as pet parents, we must be understanding towards our furry friends and offer support and love to them. A little bit of patience will do wonders for your dog.

Not able to show focus or concentration during training sessions

While your puppy was able to show a lot of focus and attention to the training sessions, the same cannot be said for your teenage dog. They will certainly not follow the dog trainer’s instructions but would like to explore the world on their own.

Like spending more time with other dogs

When you take your teenage dog to any dog park in your nearby area, you will often notice that they tend to run quickly towards their friends. But, pet parents need to make sure that their dog’s friends are positive role models as aggressive dogs can spell doom for your dog.

Showing rude behavior to other dogs

If you feel that your dog is misbehaving with other dogs in the dog park, then it is high time that this behavior be stopped by the pet parent. This behavior should be nipped right in the bud as it will have lasting impressions on your furry companion.

Thus, these are super helpful tips that can help you navigate the world of adolescent dogs if you have one at home. Make sure that you always try to be understanding and sympathetic to them and be aware of what problems they might be facing.

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