A look at the top five winter diseases and how to prevent them

Winters are here and so are the diseases. Many of us must be suffering from either of these diseases or may also have recovered from them. However, it is pretty important to be aware of what these diseases are and how to keep ourselves safe from them.

Furthermore, these diseases reappear every year in winter and can be quite dangerous if not tended to quickly. Nowadays, many of these winter diseases take time to recover from and often extend for prolonged periods.

Therefore, we should take good care of ourselves this winter and say goodbye to these diseases as well before they claim us entirely for his month.

Says Amol Naikawadi on winter diseases and their prevention,

During the winter season, a number of ailments have a tendency to become more common as a result of lower humidity, colder temperatures, and more time spent inside. The chance of getting sick can be considerably decreased by being aware of these frequent wintertime ailments and by adopting preventive actions.

The top wintertime diseases that all of us face every year

Here’s a list of the most common wintertime diseases that we come face-to-face with every year. Let’s understand their symptoms as well.

Common Cold

This disease is a usual occurrence in winter every year and affects many of us. Typical symptoms include sore throat, coughing, sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, and a low-grade fever.

Influenza (Flu)

A slightly stronger member of the common cold, influenza is a group of viruses that causes us to have the flu. It is very contagious and can cause infections in those around us. Common symptoms include fever, sore throat, exhaustion, body pains, coughing, and congestion.


This disease occurs in the stomach causing us to have gastroenteritis which can become quite harmful. It usually occurs during the wedding season as we tend to eat raw items at functions that may be quite unhygienic for us. During this disease, we may get symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.


This is another viral infection affecting many during winter. It affects the respiratory system causes severe inflammation of the bronchial passages and causes coughing, discomfort in the chest, and a low temperature.


Finally, pneumonia can be caused by many pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi. In this disease, the lung’s air sacs get inflamed and we can encounter symptoms such as cough, fever, dyspnoea, and chest pain.

So, what are the ways to counter these infections? Let’s now understand two methods through which we can keep winter diseases at bay.

Firstly, we must wash our hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. If this isn’t available, then the best bet is to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

To make our immunity strong, we have to eat a well-balanced diet that consists of all the macro and micronutrients. Additionally, exercise and enough rest also help us in having a good immunity level.

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