Adopting healthy behaviors when entering a relationship with someone

When we form a relationship with a special someone, it’s always important to check whether it is a healthy one or not.

Many times, we enter into a partnership where everything seems rosy at the beginning but slowly the facade drops and the relationship ends up becoming toxic.

Therefore, having healthy behavior patterns with our partner is the true key to having a successful relationship.

Says couple therapist Jordan Dann on spotting the green flags,

Relationships are the foundation of growth, resilience, and navigating life’s challenges. When we know ourselves deeply and master the art of creating conscious relationships, our lives expand in extraordinary ways. Every relationship we build has the power to push us beyond what we know into new territories of growth. As we take those steps into the unknown, our world expands.

Ways to have green flags in our relationship with our partner

Let’s take a look at how to maintain the green flags in our relationship with our partner.

Having self-awareness and insight

Usually, it is important to have enough self-awareness and insight between both parties regarding the relationship. The most common cause of conflicts in relationships is that couples lack these two things.

Communicating our needs

Don’t assume that your partner can read your mind magically and give you what you need. Instead, develop a healthy communication channel between the two of you and let each other know what are your innate needs.

Venting out frustration healthily

Many times, we say foul language to our partner because of being in an angry and frustrated state. However, it is of the utmost importance that we learn that there are healthy ways to vent our frustration to our partner.

Having high regard and goodwill

When we have qualities such as high regard and goodwill in a relationship, it signals that the partnership is going in the right direction and has these important green flags.

Accepting others as they are

Finally, when we choose to accept our partner just the way they are and not want to change anything about them, it also shows that we are building a healthy relationship.

Thus, this is how we should go about when building a relationship with someone. Always have more of green rather than red flags.

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