How death anxiety makes us fear the unknown and our life

Every one of us fears death and becomes severely gripped with stress and anxiety that can drive us mad or make us obsessed with the thoughts of death. Additionally, we also feel that we have very little time to spend with our loved ones and that we will die shortly.

Such anxiety is known as death anxiety and it can grip all of us in its grasp and not let us go easily. However, when someone is always preoccupied with the thoughts of death, then it can become a real threat to a person’s life.

Says therapist Maythal Eshaghian on death anxiety,

It is normative to occasionally think about death from time to time, but when it gets in the way of your daily life, it becomes obsessional and problematic.

Thoughts that make us the victims of death anxiety

Here is how we get anxious regarding death and the afterlife when constantly ruminating about the same.

Start fearing accidents and injuries

Firstly, when we have death anxiety, we start fearing that we might become victims of accidents or incur injuries if we don’t pay attention or fear the worst-case scenario which is death. When we get involved with such thoughts, we become careful beforehand.

Can’t pay attention to tasks in the present

When thoughts of death occupy our minds, we fail to focus on the pending tasks that are often more important than such incriminating things.

If we suffer from death anxiety, we quickly avoid situations or circumstances that can remind us of death. Additionally, we avoid conversations that talk about death.

Thoughts of the death of family and friends

Moreover, thoughts of mortality make us fear the safety of our near and dear ones. We constantly picture scenarios wherein we think about what would happen to us if they pass away and we don’t get a chance to meet them for the final time.

Fear of the unknown

Sometimes, we think about our deaths and quickly arises a fear in us as we start thinking about what will happen to our family if we leave them. Furthermore, we also get anxious about the afterlife and what will happen to us there.

Thus, these are some of the thoughts that make us fear death and even make us death anxious. However, we must accept the fact that death is part of the natural process that we have been born in.

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