How to set healthy boundaries for ourselves for the future

In today’s society, setting personal boundaries has become more important than ever. Nowadays, with the emergence of social media, keeping our lives private is a tough task for us and our mental health. However, to maintain healthy relationships and good social status, we need to set up some boundaries.

Additionally, after setting up these boundaries, we must also let others know of the same because they may overstep them and cause us mental harm in the process. So, to keep others at a safe distance from us, we have to let them know to not overstep these boundaries and remain at a comfortable distance from us.

But, the task of explaining this aspect to others requires constant hard work and patience on our part because others will also take time to understand that they don’t have to overstep these at any cost.

Writes Therapist Klara Kernig on this aspect of our lives,

Finding your boundary-setting voice isn’t always easy, but it’s not as hard as living without boundaries, trust me.

How to make sure that we are setting proper and healthy boundaries

Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which we can affirm that we are doing the right thing.

Be more aware of ourselves

Firstly, understanding ourselves is a major key to setting healthy boundaries for ourselves. When we understand ourselves fully, then only can we understand what is it that we need to build boundaries for.

Setting boundaries appropriately

After we have understood what boundaries we need to set in our lives, we must make sure that those boundaries are then appropriately set by us. Meanwhile, a list of what is allowed for us and what is strictly prohibited in our lives will make our task a lot easier.

No need to complain; be assertive

We must stop complaining and start being more assertive in our lives. Oftentimes, it happens that others take undue advantage of us and we are left to just fret and complain that the other person took unfair advantage of us and got what they wanted. When we become more assertive in our lives, we will look more for solutions to those problems and also maintain good boundaries.

Using ‘I’ statements will get us to more places

Furthermore, using ‘I’ statements in our conversations will let others know that we need to be valued and respected just like everyone else and not be used for gaining their means and ends. Also, these ‘I’ statements will help others know what it is that we want in our lives.

Remaining consistent with ourselves

When we have finally set up some boundaries, it is now time to be consistent and steadfast with them. It also means that we have full control over ourselves and will not deviate from the decisions that we have taken for ourselves and our future.

Therefore, setting proper boundaries will do us a world of good and we will have no problems in navigating and overcoming the obstacles that constantly block our path.

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