This year, celebrate Diwali without crackers and make it homely

With Diwali almost at our doorsteps, it is once again going to be a very fun celebration with friends and family while enjoying our favorite snacks and sweets.

Every year, people all over India celebrate Diwali with great fanfare and pomp at their homes and decorate it with lights, torans, rangolis, and whatnot.

Moreover, people also celebrate this festival by being with their families at home so that they get to spend the maximum time with their loved ones.

Additionally, people dress to their best on this day while children await to receive special gifts from their parents.

Furthermore, everyone worships Goddess Kali and Lakshmi on this day and they are offered all the homemade sweets and savories as well.

After the Gods have partaken of their share of these delicacies, only then do the family members get to enjoy these delicacies with one another.

Moreover, we all know that Diwali is most remembered for firecrackers. Their sound and lights charm one and all and children love to burst them the most.

However, these very fireworks also become a source of noise and air pollution in India every year. Both animals and humans are affected equally because of them.

Additionally, these fireworks create a lot of waste which then becomes very difficult to dispose of by garbage-pickers the next day.

So, let’s look at some of the other ways in which we can celebrate Diwali this year without purchasing and bursting firecrackers.

Ways to have a pollution-free Diwali this year with your family

So, some of the ways in which we can achieve a pollution-free Diwali this year are-

Light Diyas with your Family

One of the most organic and pollution-free options every year on Diwali is to just light up diyas in every corner of your home on all five days. Do this activity with your loved ones and enjoy the glimmering diyas in your home on all five days of the festival.

Make homemade snacks and savories with your Loved Ones

Rather than buying a lot of crackers beforehand for Diwali, spend this year in helping your family prepare some delicious delicacies that your family traditionally prepares at home. It can be as simple as Kaju Katli or Besan Laddus but it will surely give you a lot of satisfaction to make and also enjoy the festivities.

Invite Near and Dear Ones for a Diwali House Party

What better way than to invite your friends and family over for a large get-together on Diwali and enjoy a wholesome Diwali party? This will surely keep the firecrackers out of everyone’s minds as they will enjoy mingling with one another and have a blast during the festival.

Enjoy Decorating your Home with Family

Moreover, deck up your home and spruce it up with your family. Get it decorated in new colors of paint and then decorate it with torans, rangoli, etc. Additionally, you can also make simple paper decorations at home and hang them in your living room and your main entrance door so that guests who visit you will admire them a lot.

Give out Useful Gifts to Family and Friends

This year, be more practical-minded and give useful and everyday use gifts to your family and friends. These will be put to better use rather than expensive cutlery or glass sets that just sit idly in cupboards and shelves and are taken out only during the festivities. Meanwhile, these gifts will also bring appreciation for you from everyone as they will get to know your thoughtful side for them.

Thus, these are some of the ways in which we can totally avoid crackers this Diwali and enjoy it more with our friends and family. We hope you will like these tips and will surely adopt them this year.

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