Understanding functional freeze mode and how it impacts our well-being

While many of us are happy doing our daily life tasks constantly and thrive in it, we sometimes end up in a total functional freeze mode and it can leave us stuck to one place for a long time.

But why does this phenomenon happen? It may happen when we are under constant trauma, anxiety, or stress. It can cause us to become immobilized for a short period.

Says therapist Maythal Eshaghian on this unique phenomenon,

It’s when you seem okay on the outside, but inside, you feel stuck or limited, often due to prolonged stress.

What functional freeze mode looks like in daily life and its impact on our mental health

Here’s what this phenomenon looks like and how it impacts our mental health from time to time.

Not doing a task at all

While we may be fully ready to perform a specific task in the day, our brains just zone out and we end up not doing that task at all.

Feels like being stuck inside an ice cube

Moreover, this phenomenon makes us feel like we are stuck in a big ice cube and have no way of freeing ourselves from the situation.

Holding on to emotions

Oftentimes, we don’t express our natural emotions and keep them close to us because we fear what might the reactions come from others if we showcase our raw emotions.

Living under constant stress and anxiety

When raised in dysfunctional families, many of us face constant stress and anxiety even in adulthood.

Not being in the moment

Finally, most of us will show a disconnect from others, and whatever actions we perform to draw others’ attention towards us, may not feel enough, making us absent from our social surroundings altogether.

Thus, this is how this phenomenon affects our lives and can be a cause of great worry for most of us as well. Therefore, it is now time to let go of this feeling and not focus on the negativity but make efforts to improve ourselves.

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