What can we do to build and maintain trust in relationships?

In today’s society, building and maintaining trust is something that is very essential between partners, families, and friends. When we have trustworthiness in our relationships, everything eventually works out in our favor.

However, if we remain aloof in our relationships and do not make efforts to be understanding and empathetic towards our partner, family, and friends, then it cannot be maintained in our relationships at all.

Moreover, it is always said that trust is one of the major foundation blocks of a relationship. So, if we don’t trust others, how can others trust us when they need it? Therefore, it is essential that we maintain trustworthiness once we build it.

Writes Therapist Sadaf Siddiqi on building and maintaining trust,

As a human, your brain is wired to need emotional connection and physical comfort from the person (people) you are close to. In order for someone to meet these needs, there has to be trust between both people.

Ways in which we can build and maintain trust in relationships

Let’s focus on the important factors that can help us build trustworthiness in our relationships.

Having a safety net of family and friends

We often show our trust to those whom we feel safe and protected with. This means our family and close friends act as safety nets when we feel scared or helpless. We can always turn to them in times of need and they will make sure to keep us safe. Having a safe environment and intimacy encourages trustworthiness.

Be more open and honest with others

In order to gain the trust of others, we need to be open, honest, and authentic ourselves. This will provide a big space for others to build trust with us and vice-versa. However, we must also maintain specific boundaries and privacy so that they aren’t overstepped at any cost.

Giving your full attention and respect to others

When we show respect and empathy for others’ feelings, trust starts building up automatically. Always make sure that you are listening to what the other person is saying and reciprocate those feelings as well. When the other person sees you reciprocating their feelings, they will trust you more.

Understanding the other person’s thoughts and feelings

When we are having a conversation with our partner, family member, or friend, we must listen in to their conversation with the intention of understanding it fully and then only give them advice or suggestions. When they see this side of you, they will make sure to open up to you more often.

Making time for others in our lives

It is essential that we always make time for the ones we love, however busy we may be in our lives. It is imperative that we spend quality time together every day so that trust remains in our relationships and we don’t drift away.

Thus, these are some of the ways in which we can build trust with our partners, family, and friends. It is highly important that we always maintain it when interacting with anyone in daily life.

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