Why do women experience constant mood swings during PMS: Explained

Almost every woman around the world suffers from Pre-Menstrual Syndrome or PMS during their childbearing years.

While some can deal with it by using effective coping strategies, others continue to suffer silently and do not take any professional help or advice.

But, it must be taken into account that PMS is not just caused by a single factor. Many such factors contribute to women getting this syndrome before their cycle.

Says naturopathic doctor Corina Dunlap on PMS,

The root causes of these mood swings are complex and multifactorial.

Reasons why women get PMS every month and what causes it

Here we are presenting a list of different reasons that contribute to PMS in every woman in and around the world.

Hormonal Imbalance

The two main hormones during menstruation namely Estrogen and Progesterone go into severe imbalance and cause major mood swings.


When women undergo stress, then also PMS can be triggered in their bodies and they may crash down mentally.

Not having a proper diet

If women choose junk food over healthy and homemade food, then it is another reason to invite the eruption of PMS in the body and also mood swings. Therefore, don’t eat sugar-rich foods; instead, focus on having a healthy diet.

Not sleeping enough

Moreover, another reason women can get cranky with PMS is that they haven’t slept well or have had very little sleep. Additionally, lack of proper physical activity also contributes to mood swings.

Don’t consume excessive caffeine and alcohol

If women are in the habit of consuming too much caffeine and alcohol during their childbearing years, it also starts the process of bad mood swings. So, the consumption of these two items should be avoided altogether.

Thus, these are the signs of PMS that women face every month of every year. So, to get over this monster, start doing healthy activities and consume healthy foods.

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