Why we are addicted to our favorite things that give us pleasure?

Whenever we want instant gratification, our dopamine levels increase greatly and that causes us to have something tasty to eat, binge-watch our favorite shows, or spend excessively on shopping.

Our dopamine levels cause us to become greedy for things that otherwise shouldn’t be done by us daily.

Says therapist Rebekah Ballagh on dopamine chasing,

Are you dopamine chasing? Seeking out those quick temporary hits of pleasure and reward? Your brain loves it- but it’s easy to get addicted to these dopamine hits and caught in compulsions- always reaching for your phone, the remote, the pantry door or add to cart button.

Things that make us go greedy because of our dopamine acting crazy

Here’s a list of things that can make us greedy because it’s happening due to the effects of dopamine.

Eating calorie-rich foods

Firstly, our dopamine wants us to go in straight for the sugary, salty, and overprocessed foods because it makes us feel good and similarly binge-watching our favorite shows and eating these food stuffs is also a prime aspect of dopamine chasing.

Delaying important tasks

The next factor of dopamine chasing is not taking immediate action for important tasks and instead wasting our time doing activities that give us pleasure.

Being constantly on the phone

Moreover, we all tend to always go through our social media accounts and watch what our family and friends are doing. Meanwhile, we also try to seek approval from others and this gives us a major happiness boost.

Re-watching favorite shows

Furthermore, our pleasure hormones get great satisfaction when we re-watch our favorite shows or binge-watch back-to-back episodes just to kill time and make us extremely happy.

Going on wild shopping sprees

Finally, we chase our happy hormones when we go all out on our shopping sprees with our family and friends. We tend to overspend money as we should and feel happy with our purchases.

Thus, this is how we are chasing our happy hormones without even giving a second thought to why it is not useful to follow our happy hormones all too often.

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